I have been a huge fan of Click Magazine since the launch of their, incredibly creative and informative, photography magazine. The images and articles they publish offer a forum for women photographers to be expressive and true to their creative process. Click Magazine also hosts an annual photography competition that embraces everything they stand for: Vision, originality, inspiration, creativity and overall excellence. I am so honored and humbled to have an image selected to be featured in their 2016 Voice Collection. Out of 35,000 images only 211 final images were chosen. The image they selected is one from my travels to Nepal before the horrific earthquakes that took place last year. This Nepal image is featured in the “Mother Nature” category. In my experience of traveling abroad: I found the Nepalese people to be strong, respectful, loving and religious. With Nepal sharing an open border with India, their religious worlds are intertwined deeply. The Nepalese people are mainly Buddhist or Hindu.
Let me tell you why I love this image so much – The storm that is rolling in is one that you can never prepare for. The image of people alone in the boat returning from the Tal Barahi Temple (A Hindu temple of the Goddess Durga, the protector of gods) reminds me that having faith, above all else, is the only way we can weather the turbulent waters. It is with only God’s help, whether you believe in one or in many, that is the only way we make it to shore.
The Temple is used for worship by both Buddhist and Hindu alike. It is possible to stand with people of other beliefs, you just have to be open minded & respectful.
This image, “Nepal Storm Rolling in”, will be published in the September/October issue of Click Magazine. The 2016 VOICE Collection Competition was sponsored by Miller’s Professional Imaging Lab. It will also be displayed at Click Away’s VOICE Gallery reception hosted by Canon in Seattle, on October 7th.
